By Larry Forte

Someone once told me that for a Fly Fishing Club, we don’t fish much. I understood what he was saying. At the time, he was on the Board and we were talking about a bunch of upcoming PVFF events and very few including actually fly-fishing. Part of me thinks that is a good thing. As I have said in many columns, having an active Club is awesome. However, fly fishing is what this is all about. Lately, given the weather and other PVFF events, my time on the water has been limited.
The good news is that has changed over the past several weeks. The Club put together 3 fun Outings for everyone and I was able to attend 2 plus sneak in a quick trip to Penns Creek.
On Sunday, March 31st, 15 of us fished the Upper Patuxent River. I showed up 20 minutes early and the parking lot was already full of PVFF members ready to fish! That is the most I have seen at a Club fishing Outing. I have never fished this stream before but it was an enjoyable day. I struggled to catch a fish but had a great time. I know Paul Dobson had great luck as he landed 9 Trout! Thanks Steve Naugle for putting this together.
It seems like every year, we try to fish Town Creek and every year, it gets rained out. This year wasn’t any different. After cancelling one trip, we changed plans and fished the Casselman River on Sunday, April 7th. It was a fun day and the water was perfect. The Casselman is a great river to fish this time of year. For about a 30 minute period, there was a feeding frenzy as Trout steadily rose to take a Blue Wing Olive.
I also was able to get in a quick trip to Penns Creek. The fishing was a challenge due to some rain the day before, but it was fun to fish one of my favorite streams with some good friends.
I am happy to finally get back on the water and I hope you have had some luck as well. The streams, when fishable, are full of trout. I know our “Home Water” at the Catoctin Creek Nature Center has been stocked a couple of times this Spring. Get out and go fishing, It’s what this is all about!
In closing, if there is anything you would like to see improved with our Club or if you are interested in getting more involved with the PVFF, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for reading this issue of “Streamlines”.
I hope to see you at our Monthly Meetings, upcoming Fly Tying Classes or other Club events!
Larry Forte
Club President
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