By Andrew Frutiger

That Feeling!

Do you remember what it feels like, that excitement of your first time on the water? It doesn’t matter whether it was your very first time fly fishing or maybe the first time out for the season after being cooped up all Winter. It’s like the last day of school joy, you load the car up with every possible piece of equipment you have and head to the water
You don’t know what you’ll find, you don’t necessarily care, you just need to get there. Once you step into the river, it washes over you, the elation of being where you belong, at home on the water. This is the same feeling our veterans finally got to experience after months of preparing in the classroom, learning entomology, tying flies, and working on their casting.
On Saturday, May 11, 2019, PHWFF (Frederick) veterans, and volunteers went on their first fishing trip to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Leetown Science Center (LSC) fishing pond in Kearneysville, WV. What a fantastic day, every veteran caught fish! Every veteran left the water with that ear to ear smile that comes from the first day of fishing.
Demetia Rogers commented, “I had the best day and it was my first-time fly fishing! Thank you all for a wonderful day!!!” and Ray Sims said, “Had a blast today, this is a great group and amazing organization.”

If you have any questions or would like to participate in any of our upcoming fly tying sessions at Fort Detrick, please reach out to me any time at
To learn more about the program and follow our Chapter’s progress, follow us on Facebook at: Project Healing Waters – Frederick Chapter.
Our next PHW Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 25th at 7:00 PM at our NEW LOCATION, the Francis Scott Key Post #11 American Legion, 1450 Taney Avenue, Frederick, MD.
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