One of the primary reason people join fly fishing clubs is to have opportunities to fish with other people. Thus, one of our goals is to create and facilitate fishing outings for club members.
Our club has long had volunteers who have led many great outings. In some cases, club members know right now that they are planning to fish certain waters on specific dates next year. For example, Andy and I plan to fish Smith Creek on two Saturdays in 2022, April 23, and September 17. We also know that we would very much welcome the company of club members who would like to join us. Accordingly, you will see those dates posted on our website in the Outings tab.
We fully understand that busy schedules will preclude the setting of outing dates so far out in 2022. However, we know that to the degree we can get dates for outings on the books, it will create fishing, fellowship, and mentorship opportunities for club members.
We are very blessed to have so many good waters to fish in this area. At the risk of forgetting someone’s favorite, locally they include Beaver Creek, Big Hunting Creek, Catoctin Creek, the Conococheague, the Chesapeake Bay, the Gunpowder River, the Monocacy River, Morgan Run, Owens Creek, the Potomac River and its North Branch, the Rapidan River, the Savage River, the Susquehanna River, Yellow Breeches Creek, the Youghiogheny, and of course Rockdale Run.
If you know now that you want to fish one of these local waters — or a more distant water like the Salmon River in Pulaski, New York — please consider volunteering to lead an outing and getting it on the books as soon as possible so that others can plan to join you. Keep in mind that an outing does not need to be complicated, it does not have to have a lot of participants, and it does not have to be on any specific day of the week.
Personally, I would love to see us have at least one outing scheduled for each month of 2022 so that members can plan accordingly.
As I close, I will encourage you to visit our website regularly to check on scheduled outings. Our website will be the primary mechanism for providing notice for outings. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any assistance from me. You can see our Outings page here.
By Mike Holland
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