As a prelude to describing our upcoming May beginner’s fly-tying event, I want to thank Martyn Holland, who is now assisting with the instruction for our program. As such, we can now provide basic fly-tying instruction and guidance to those who are ‘totally new’ to tying artificial flies. At the same time, we can provide instruction to others who have acquired basic fly-tying skills and wish to broaden their knowledge of using a multitude of materials in simple artificial fly construction and representation of natural fish foods.
Our next will feature tying a simple damselfly nymph. For those unfamiliar with damselflies and dragonflies, these two genera of insects are generally found hatching and flying above vegetation along shorelines of freshwater lakes and ponds. In particular, the immature (i.e,. nymph) stage of the damselfly is a delightful ‘morsel’ of fish food for those fish species (trout, bass, panfish) which seek cover and food amongst the shoreline vegetation.
Join us at 7:00 PM on May 16th, 2023, at Trinity United Methodist Church.
IMPORTANT: For newcomers who plan to attend this session, please contact me in advance (dfine1443@gmail.com) to ensure I have tying equipment available for you.
By Don Fine
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