
Let’s Go Fishing!

Contact us if you’d like to sponsor an outing. If you’d like to sign up for a scheduled outing, you can REGISTER HERE

We are seeking sponsors for outings large and small to fish at locations throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, and beyond. Are you interested in hosting a trip? Send us a message if you’d like to plan an event — be sure to include the date, location, outing details, the outing leader’s name, primary fish species you will be targeting, and any other details you wish to share. Our outings will follow-up with you .

Interested in fishing for shad at Fletcher’s Cove? While we can’t plan an outing for this location given the need for special equipment (sinking line, a boat), club member Dan Neuland offers an excellent presentation with all you need to know if you’d like to go catch some shad.

Upcoming Outings

Catoctin Creek Cleanup and Fishing

Host: Pete D’Adamo

Where: PVFF’s home waters: Catoctin Creek Park and Nature Center (2929 Sumantown Rd, Middletown)
When: April 12, 2025 from 9-11am
Details: We’re going to clean up our “home waters” in the morning, followed by some fishing. More details to follow.  

Register for an Outing

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If you would like to take part in an outing, sign up below.

POSTPONED: Catoctin Creek

Host: Seth Denbo

Where: PVFF’s home waters: Catoctin Creek Park and Nature Center (2929 Sumantown Rd, Middletown)
When: February 1, 2025 This outing is postponed until Spring and will be updated when a new date is selected
Time: Meet at 9am in the parking lot, fish as long as you’d like.
Details: Come out and enjoy some winter fishing on our home waters. Catoctin Creek is a wonderful place to learn, and on a good day the stockies we put in the stream in the fall will cooperate. If you’re a PVFF member who is new to fly fishing and would like to borrow equipment and/or have a more experienced angler to give you some on stream guidance please contact me and we’ll arrange something. All abilities welcome. This is a joint outing with Northern Virginia Trout Unlimited. So come along and represent your club, show off our home waters, and make some new friends.

Checklist for Preparing to Fish

Here are Lefty Kreh’s list of Basic Rules for Preparing to Fish:

  1. Do your site planning before you leave home.
  2. Prepare a travel checklist.
  3. Select and properly install good reel backing.
  4. Clean your fly lines.
  5. Build leaders ahead of time.
  6. Select flies and sharpen hooks.
  7. Carry Polaroid glasses for sighting fish.
  8. Select the proper color for your clothing
Club member Larry Forte on the North Branch of the Potomac